Are you Randy in the Morning?

Il pranzo è servito...Now that’s an intimate question.

Or is it just another insider style question asked by the self-styled leader of the original Think Tank Posse that merely references the title of a song about a radio show host?  How referential do I need to be anyway?

Years ago I attended what some in my life claimed was a good old-fashioned brainwashing presented as a self-help seminar molded in a kinder and more positive form of EST.  We’ll see if I respond when the homing signal is activated, but I digress so quickly.  One of the fellow searchers I met at the seminar was working to set up a non-profit in Atlanta.  He wanted to create space to develop trust between troubled youth and the adults in their lives.  The organization was to be called In 2 Me See.  He said that play on word (?) a lot.  I think he was using it as a pickup line on the wayward waifs trying to find their way in what may or may not have been a cult atmosphere.

One feeling I recall during those crazy days of love v fear indoctrination was that the only other times I spoke so freely about my thoughts was when I was on the air at Bubbles in the Think Tank.  And those were even the earlier days post-Bill Brinkmoeller.  I had so many secrets that I would eventually share on the air…all while never revealing the daily details that coworkers and family knew.  Sometimes it almost felt like a double life that was fuzzy on which side was more real.

This era of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST feels entirely different from those days, yet equally revealing.  The lack of visible (or is that audible?) posse may just mean you have to work a little harder to put together the full picture, but I know you’ve got the time on your hands to figure it out.  You read this far, didn’t you?

Hey, leave a comment and tell me what you learn about yourself when you listen to Bubbles in the Think Tank in any of its forms.  All us gals will appreciate the insight.

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