

Oh there’s music and there’s dancing and lots of sweet romancing

There’s always oh so many things happening when we get together. It’s an extravaganza of silliness, frequently fronted by my own monodrama (although not this week).  But the spectacle doesn’t end there. I want you to have the aural equivalent Read more ›

Just lick the icing off the top

Get your long hot weekend started earlier with some bubbles. Then stay with Belinda on Saturday for East silliness. And Muffin and Capt Wednesday on Sunday/Monday for original silliness.   It’s like having cake and eating it too 😉 Read more ›

You don’t have to be a cereal eater to be a bumblebee

Gosh, I didn’t even think to play “Eric the Half a Bee.” Whenever I do a theme, a tribute set, or, these days, a RadiObituary, I spend the next weeks thinking of what I coulda/woulda/shoulda played.  It’s a great way Read more ›