

‘Cause nothing that I do, can stop her swinging

No.  There is nothing you can do. Don’t even think about trying. She loves a swing.  She loves to swing.  She loves the swinging. Why would you want to take any of that away? Especially when she’s giving you this Read more ›

‘Cause I got love packed in my baggage

I really love packing.  It almost always means great things. I’ve gotten really good at it.  Whether it’s just one night or for a week, I probably always pack too much, but I’d hate to be unprepared for whatever my Read more ›

Your slacks are low and your hips are showin’

It’s all part of the exposure that comes along with doing Bubbles in the Think Tank. You know how it goes…I put it all out there for you to see.  You know you probably shouldn’t stare, but you do anyway. But Read more ›

And she totters and she titters!

Sometimes I fall right over. For lots of reasons.  You’ve possibly witnessed them all. But no matter why it happens, my only hope is that the right bed with the right pillows is there to tuck me into some silliness Read more ›

In fact, i got this hug that’s been building up

That’s how it works all week. I leave you behind at the end of every episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank whether I want to or not.  And I think that you know that it’s a not. Then I Read more ›

Cross my fingers, uncross the others

My fingers are always crossed right up until I’m on the air with you. The happy chance that it works for us every time can only be a run of luck.  The flukiness of it all plunges my mind. But Read more ›

Climb on the back, I’ll take you for a ride

I hope you’re comfy enough when I take you for a ride each week. I like how you get all settled in after those first few moments of excitement…you can barely get into the show before you’re all worked up. Read more ›

Oh there’s music and there’s dancing and lots of sweet romancing

There’s always oh so many things happening when we get together. It’s an extravaganza of silliness, frequently fronted by my own monodrama (although not this week).  But the spectacle doesn’t end there. I want you to have the aural equivalent Read more ›

Someday we’re gonna do the wang dang doodle all night long

ITWYCIT?* Sometimes all night long is the only way I want it. Yeah, an hour or two here and there is all we can have.  But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to prolong our times together, letting the minutes Read more ›

After many trajectorily successful years on WAIF…

It was the final episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank ORIGINAL on WAIF 88.3FM in Cincinnati. But the love continues on at Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST on WMFO 91.5FM in Boston. And it is agreed…we said all there is to Read more ›

But how’d I know I’d end up in charge of all these people?

We’ve spoken often of the ever embiggening staff of Bubbles in the Think Tank. I guess I’m just one of those gals who always needs a little more.  A little more excitement.  A little more attention.  A little more rest.  Read more ›

And there isn’t a glimmer of doubt

…that Belinda was in rare form…that is, she rarely disappears from doing a Bubbles in the Think Tank, but this night, that was the case. However, the show must go on, and Chuck U. took up the challenge to fill Read more ›

I’d like to talk when I can show you my affection

You know how much I travel for work.  But the whole time I’m gone, I’m just thinking about what I’m going to say to you next. I say things to you in so many different ways.  Sometimes I speak directly Read more ›

Her sugar bowl is loaded

I’ve been described a lot of ways in my time on the air. Sweet.   Temptress.  A fucking scholar.  Pornographer. That list could actually go on and on. Instead I think you should listen to last night’s show and come to Read more ›

And some, like me, could use a whole lot more

Last night was one of those nights. One of those nights where there was just no way I was ever going to get enough of you. One of those nights where you kept begging me for more.  And I wanted Read more ›

When stockings have been filled it keeps the ladies thrilled

Do you ever feel like you’ve filled up on the silliness at Bubbles in the Think Tank? Do you ever think you should call or email or go to our Facebook Fan Page and tell us to let off a Read more ›

And that was exactly like my dream

Doing the show is sometimes a lot like walking through a dream.  There’s a concurrent feeling of being totally out of control and a sense of great power.  I don’t know what’s going to pop up next, but I’m sure Read more ›

I just like the looks of you ‘cause you’re little and you’re small

It’s been said that every episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank has a personality all its own.  But we rarely acknowledge the physicality of the show. The space, the temperature, even the furniture, changes the show in some way. Read more ›

It’s called the cult of inspiration and it is rewarding

Back in the oft-heard chair of the WMFO studios (hey, it’s freeform…the chair can do what it wants), I felt right at home as I settled in for a night of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST style silliness. But Read more ›

You’re just talking about words

I’ve been quizzed a few times over the years about why I will occasionally play material that is clearly not funny on Bubbles in the Think Tank.  I usually just fall back on the standard “it’s not a comedy show, Read more ›