

Your slacks are low and your hips are showin’

It’s all part of the exposure that comes along with doing Bubbles in the Think Tank. You know how it goes…I put it all out there for you to see.  You know you probably shouldn’t stare, but you do anyway. But Read more ›

The girls don’t wear no tights in Jersey

Everything that comes to my head to say for this post seems like too much, and you know that’s saying something. But in the spirit of my transparency of process, I will share with you, the listener, although not in my Read more ›

It controls my clothes

You’ve heard about my beginning of the show ritual.  More accurately, you’ve probably just heard it. The show opens and I take to the mic to introduce the night’s program.  By rote, I say the same things to start every Read more ›

Cross my fingers, uncross the others

My fingers are always crossed right up until I’m on the air with you. The happy chance that it works for us every time can only be a run of luck.  The flukiness of it all plunges my mind. But Read more ›