

You sparkle and you bubble

How could I do anything other than sparkle when you’re around?   The way we frolic together would make anyone glisten. That glint when you’re watching makes me bubble up with the silliness that causes that twinkle. And after all Read more ›

Every night I like the way you beg for more

Even after 4 whole hours of radio, you still want me. The time swooshes by like hours are mere minutes even though we somehow manage to do things we’ve never done before. I can’t say no when I’m asked to Read more ›

I heard you on Satan’s wireless

Last night took us down one of our favorite paths at Bubbles in the Think Tank East.  The one that examines the love/hate relationship we have with media and its regulation. We love it when it keeps us connected, lets Read more ›

When we search our own hearts and not others

Each time I undertake another episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank, I’m searching for something. Sometimes I find it by the end of the episode, other times the next day.  Occasionally it takes years.  Good thing I’m not in Read more ›

This is better than the others, it’s American too

While the WMFO transmitter has been at the spa, I’ve had chance (no…I’ve made the choice) to listen to a Boston area talk radio station during my weekly drive in to the show.  It’s been a harrowing experience.  The talk Read more ›

A sweeping probe of what you want

At least I hope you want it.  You keep coming back for more of it, so what am I to assume? I’m secure knowing that Bubbles in the Think Tank makes me happy.  I believe that it holds the relative Read more ›

The rave of the brave

Was it the fireworks, the sight of the moon for the first time in weeks, or just the delirium of a four hour show?  Whatever it was, I’ll take a bucket of love like this anytime… it was olympian silliness Read more ›

29 ways to show your Pride

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: The Pride never stops at Bubbles in the Think Tank. And in that spirit, the we bring you this episode of LBGTQI fabulousity, old and new and so much in between. Read more ›

Do you make these mistakes with your RadiObituary?

Was it a mistake?  Or was it merely irrational exuberance? The process of crafting (and yes, it is a fine craft) the weekly RadiObituary segment is a malapert endeavor.  Seeking those recently deceased deemed worthy of recognition punctuated with scurrile Read more ›


Yes, I am well aware that you are done with this election past.  22 months was enough for any of us.  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy a little non campaign-specific election silliness. Belinda comes out of Read more ›